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How Menopause Impacts Women’s Health and Wellness

Women’s Health and Wellness

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her menstrual periods permanently stop and she can no longer get pregnant. After the periods stop, her body does not make as much estrogen and progesterone as it did before, and the lower levels of these hormones can affect her health. Menopausal symptoms could put significant humanistic and economic burdens on middle-aged women’s health and wellness.

As each individual is different, the symptoms will vary in intensity and nature, but the most common symptoms of menopause on women’s health and wellness are:

• The menstrual cycle changes
• Hot flashes and night sweats
• Mood swings
• Weight gain
• Headaches
• Vaginal dryness and little interest in sex

Changes in the menstrual cycle start with the periods becoming either farther apart or close together. Gradually they become so far apart that the stop altogether. Very few women abruptly stop bleeding. The periods become irregular because of the fluctuation of estrogen and other hormones.

Mood swings may be caused by many symptoms of menopause. With night sweats, the woman may not be getting enough sleep, causing her to be irritable during the day. Other changes can cause depression and anxiety.

The reduction of estrogen is the reason for vaginal dryness. It can cause pain during sexual intercourse and be uncomfortable at other times. There are creams that may help.

Weight gain may happen because the woman starts to eat irregularly and not necessarily a balanced diet. Smokers should quit at this time if they can because smoking lowers estrogen levels.

If you think you are starting the first signs of menopause, there are some things you can do to, and staying fit is one of the most important. It will help prevent gaining weight, strengthen your bones and maintain muscle tone. Exercising during menopause may also help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer such as endometrial, breast and colon cancer. Physical activity also lifts your mood and reduces the chance of mental decline and depression.

If you have any of the above symptoms that seriously disrupt your lifestyle, it may be time to consult our specialist. During the consultation, you can talk about how much your symptoms bother you and any health risks that are based on your age. You should mention if you are taking any hormone replacement therapy. Your medical history will be checked to see if you can take certain medications and our specialist may ask about how the women in your family experienced menopause.

The years before your periods stop and afterward, menopause can affect your health. Fortunately, there are treatments that will help you have a fulfilling lifestyle. To learn how to promote and maintain women’s health and wellness, contact us today at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness and schedule a consultation with our qualified team in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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