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The Process of Hormone Therapy – Getting Started

hormone therapy

Congratulations! If you are considering hormone pellet therapy, that means you are one step closer to becoming a better version of yourself- say goodbye to Menopause and other hormonal symptoms!

How do I begin hormone pellet therapy? What all is involved?
This is a great question.

Step 1 – Make an initial hormone follow up/ lab appointment with the office.
This appointment, whether you are a new or established patient at our office, is the first step in getting your hormone therapy started. At this appointment, you will meet with a member of our medical team and establish the basics. Your vitals, medical history, symptoms, questions and concerns are all things considered when determining what labs need to be ordered. Each patient is different and labs are specific to you – just as hormone therapy is tailored specifically to each patient. Generally speaking, the labs that are needed include well woman labs (to make sure you are healthy) and hormone level labs – of course! If you have had labs collected in the past 3 months, feel free to bring those with you to this appointment so we don’t repeat.

Step 2 – Hormone consultation visit and possible treatment.
This appointment is simply AMAZING! This appointment is scheduled roughly one week after your initial hormone lab visit – ensuring we have all of the labs needed to access your health and hormones. Over the course of about an hour and a half, you will meet with two of our expert hormone specialists, Sally Lake, RN, and Dr. Linda Evans, MD. Their years of women’s health and menopausal experience will help them to answer any and all questions you may have regarding hormones, lab values, and any specific symptoms you wish to see improve. Together, you will decide which hormone therapy is best for you. Most of our patients choose the hormone pellet therapy (subcutaneous implants). Hormone pellet therapy is seen to be the most effective and convenient form of treatment in both women AND men. Whichever method you choose, treatment can begin on that day.

It’s that easy! Two appointments are all that is needed to access your hormone health and get you on the road to better health, happiness, and decreased hormonal symptoms!

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