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How Quickly Does Testosterone Hormone Therapy Work?

Hormone Therapy

Patients with low testosterone often have problems with their sexual health and weight. They also feel more fatigued, and they struggle with irritability and depression. Fortunately, there is a simple and effective treatment. With hormone therapy, patients can get rid of their symptoms and improve their wellness. At Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH, we offer pellet treatment to people struggling with low T.

How Quickly Does Testosterone Hormone Therapy Work?

We almost always recommend pellets because they slowly release the hormones and therefore provide patients with more consistent results. After the pellet has been inserted, it starts to secrete the hormone, but it takes some time for the effects to become evident. Patients can expect to feel better approximately four weeks after their implantation appointment.

We suggest changing the pellets once every six months, but it depends on the patient’s individual situation and the severity of their symptoms. Once the effects start to wear off, new pellets can be implanted right away. This means that patients can expect consistent results.

Expected Results

Balanced hormones are important because they improve many aspects of the patient’s life. After starting hormone treatment, people almost always notice that they are more sexually active, their weight stabilizes, they feel more energetic, and their mental health improves. These are the main benefits of pellet therapy, but they aren’t the only ones.

Patients who have low T are at risk of certain medical conditions like osteoporosis. They are also more likely to be overweight than other people. This increases their risk of heart-related diseases. After hormone treatment, most patients look and feel healthier. Because they are no longer so fatigued, they can exercise more and therefore improve their overall health.

How Long Does Treatment Last?

There’s no recommended Hormone Therapy duration. You can take part in low T treatment for as long as you feel you are benefitting from it. Many patients keep getting pellets for the rest of their lives.

What Are the Symptoms of Low T?

Most of the symptoms of low T are related to the patient’s sexual health or the appearance of their body. A man who suffers from a hormonal imbalance might struggle to achieve an erection, gain a lot of weight, feel fatigued, and develop mental health issues.

Sexual Health Issues

If your hormones aren’t properly balanced, you might experience several sexual health issues. Firstly, you might no longer be as interested in having sex as you were before. Your libido might be lower, and you could have trouble getting excited about intercourse. Secondly, you might not be able to perform as well as before.

Men with low T often struggle to achieve and maintain an erection. This is incredibly distressing, and it affects their intimate relationships. Many men try to solve the problem by taking erectile dysfunction drugs, but they are only a temporary solution. To address the root cause of the issue, the hormones have to be balanced. Pellet therapy is the perfect solution.

Weight Gain

Low T causes a loss of lean muscle mass and increased body fat. This makes it hard for men to control their weight and maintain their attractive physiques. After starting hormone treatment, many men report that they can gain muscles much more quickly and that they no longer struggle to keep their weight down.

A particularly distressing issue related to low T is gynecomastia. This is an enlargement of the breast tissue. Sometimes, patients get breast reduction surgery to get rid of their excess fat. However, this isn’t typically necessary. Once pellet therapy starts working, the tissues shrink back to their original size, and the patient’s previous chest shape is restored.


Have you been feeling particularly tired lately? Have you struggled to find the energy to do well at work and interact with your family? If so, you might be suffering from low T. A hormonal imbalance often causes insomnia, which leads to chronic fatigue. This condition can affect every aspect of a patient’s life, so it’s important to address it as soon as possible.

Mental Health Issues

Patients with low T often feel moody, depressed, or irritable. They might no longer be able to regulate their emotions as easily as before. This symptom can be particularly challenging because it’s so unpredictable. It is also made worse by the fact that patients might feel low and upset due to their sexual health issues. Although hormone therapy can’t cure mental health disorders, it can make it much easier for the patient to regulate their mood.

Who Is at Risk of Developing Low T?

People of all ages can develop low testosterone, but it is more common in men over 50, those who suffer from obesity, people with type 2 diabetes, and those with chronic kidney or liver issues. Around 8% of men aged 50 and over suffer from low T. The condition sometimes also affects women and children.

The most common symptoms of low T in young boys are slow growth in height, slow growth of the penis and testicles, low strength and endurance, minimal voice deepening, and slow or minimal development of pubic hair. If you believe that your child could have low T, don’t hesitate to visit the clinic. It’s best to address this condition as soon as possible.

Can Low T Be Prevented?

In most cases, low T can’t be prevented because it occurs due to genetic conditions, damage to the testicles, or the natural aging process. However, you can reduce your chances of experiencing this issue by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid the excessive use of drugs and alcohol, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and manage your weight. If you’re worried that your lifestyle might put you at risk, reach out to us. We can help you to find professionals who can keep you on track.

Why Hormone Pellets?

Hormones can be administered in several ways, but pellets are the most convenient for many patients. Gels, patches, and creams have to be used every day to remain effective, so they take up a lot of time. They are not a good choice for men who have a family because women and children might develop side effects if they are accidentally exposed to the hormones.

Sometimes, patients ask why we recommend pellets instead of injections. While injections are more long-lasting and convenient than many other hormone treatments, they still have to be administered once every two to four weeks. They are slightly riskier than pellets because the injection site can get infected, and the results are less consistent.

How to Get Started

If you’ve been experiencing any of the above-named symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’ll invite you to an initial consultation, during which we discuss your health issues and review your medical record. Aside from speaking to you about your condition, we will also analyze your lifestyle to determine whether your habits are contributing to the issue. If so, we might suggest some changes.

We’ll measure your hormone levels to determine whether you’re a good candidate for this treatment. Once we’ve diagnosed low T, we’ll come up with a plan and schedule your first pellet implantation. It might take some time for us to figure out the correct dose. Typically, we start with smaller amounts to give your body a chance to get used to the treatment and prevent side effects.

What Happens at the Clinic?

Each pellet implantation only takes about ten minutes, so you’re in and out of the clinic within half an hour. We start by thoroughly cleaning the skin at the implantation site, which is usually your upper hip or buttocks. Then, we administer a local anesthetic to make sure you don’t feel pain during the treatment. We insert the pellets with a device called a trocar.

After the implantation, you can return home and resume your regular activities. We might ask you to come back to the clinic after a few weeks to check the implantation site. During the follow-up appointment, we speak to you about your condition and whether it has improved. If you’re still experiencing symptoms, we can adjust the treatment.

Get Rid of the Symptoms of Low T Now

Patients with low T often suffer from sexual health issues, weight gain, fatigue, and mental health problems. Pellet treatment can effectively eliminate these symptoms and reduce a patient’s risk of contracting osteoporosis and other diseases. Get in touch with us at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH to find out more about testosterone hormone therapy and other types of hormone therapy for men AND women.

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