The aging process has begun and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The way the aging process steadily progresses can feel overwhelming. It can feel ominous and stressful. And while there’s nothing that you can do to stop aging, there are definitely steps you can take to slow it down. One of the primary signs of aging is that your skin loses its elasticity. Ultherapy® in Cincinnati is designed to address problems with skin laxity.
Ultherapy® makes the most of ultrasound treatments. These ultrasound treatments encourage your body to naturally repair itself. They encourage your body to naturally lift your skin, be it on your eyebrows, under your chin, or on your neck. Ultherapy® makes it so that your wrinkles fade and your face starts to look younger. The rebuilding of your skin happens from the inside out. Your body starts to produce more collagen in response to the ultrasound therapy treatments.
What’s so nice about Ultherapy® is that it is not a surgical procedure. It is not an invasive procedure. No one is going to use a knife, and you’re going to have little to no downtime after the procedure is complete.
Ultherapy® is a treatment that has been reviewed and cleared by the FDA as a safe way to lift your skin. It is the only procedure that uses ultrasound energy to target where the energy is going to be deposited. The goal is for the energy that is deposited in your skin to create the maximum effect.
If you have mild to moderate skin laxity and if you feel like your skin looks less firm than it should, you are likely a good candidate for Ultherapy® at our office in Cincinnati. You might have a lowered eyebrow line. Or when you look at your neck, you may feel like you have a turkey wobble. Or you may have wrinkles on your chest. All of these things are problems that Ultherapy® can address.
As the ultrasound energy is delivered, the energy is going to be deposited underneath your skin. You’re going to actually feel as the process of creating more collagen begins. Over the following months, you’re going to visibly see the improvement in your appearance.
Are you ready to rejuvenate your skin? Book an appointment at Premiere Center for Women’s Health to see if Ultherapy® can work for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Cincinnati!