There is no denying the fact that when you feel good about yourself, you are able to accomplish all sorts of amazing things. When you feel good about yourself and you feel confident in the way you look, the challenges you face on a daily basis do not seem that overwhelming. Conversely, when you are not happy, even simple things start to feel like they are too much. Many people are unhappy with the way they look because they have extra inches around their mid-area. When they look at themselves in the mirror, it is a constant source of frustration. CoolSculpting® may be exactly what these individuals need to remove stubborn fat.
CoolSculpting® works where diet and exercise do not because unlike diet and exercise, CoolSculpting® is not a weight loss treatment. To the contrary, CoolSculpting® is a body sculpting/fat removal treatment. Losing weight and losing fat are two different things entirely. When a person loses weight, the number of fat cells that they have in their body stays consistent. What changes is the size of their fat cells. Fat cells that have more material in them are larger, and they are the result of a person putting on weight. When a person goes on a diet, the number of fat cells they have stays the same. The only thing that changes is how large those individual fat cells are.
Conversely, when you use CoolSculpting®, stubborn fat is removed. This is a treatment that uses controlled cooling to actually remove stubborn fat. Because of being brought down to an extremely cold temperature, your fat cells rupture. The material they contained inside of them spills out. The dead cell becomes cellular debris. Both the dead cells and the material they contained are absorbed by the lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system removes the expelled fat and the cellular debris through your body’s natural waste removal process.
The permanence of the treatment is just one of the benefits that CoolSculpting® brings to the table. In addition to being permanent, CoolSculpting® is non-surgical and non-invasive. The entire treatment takes place without one incision being made in your body.
If you’re ready to remove stubborn fat, make an appointment at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness and learn more about CoolSculpting®. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Cincinnati!