Visible veins on the legs and other areas are problems that cause issues on the surface of the skin. Problematic veins are most likely to show up on your legs thanks to the gravitational pull that makes it difficult for sluggish blood to make it back to your heart. These venous problems are also typically related to problems within the veins themselves. Venous valves, which are special one-way valves that are supposed to keep the blood from flowing backwards, may have trouble closing as veins bulge outward, and this may also contribute to the problem.
Some veins are very narrow and look like small circular patterns of red, blue or purple on your skin. They also generally cause only cosmetic problems, making you feel embarrassed of your skin and making you want to hide it. While they are most often found on the legs, they can also show up on the thinner skin of the face at times. On the other hand, some veins are quite a bit larger and may even appear bumpy on the surface of your skin.
One popular therapy for the treatment of these veins involves the use of carefully controlled laser energy. The treatment is performed in the comfort of our office. During your sclerotherapy treatment, the laser energy heats up the inside of the vein, effectively encouraging the body to get rid of it.
The results of this vein treatment are not immediate. However, in the weeks and months following the treatment, you’ll see the full results. The vein will be gone, or at least much less noticeable, depending on the situation.
If lifestyle changes are not working and you are embarrassed by or physically uncomfortable with your visible veins, call us at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness so that you can arrange a consultation at our office in Cincinnati, OH. Contact us today and schedule your appointment!