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FAQs About Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati

laser hair removal

Shaving unwanted hair regularly can not only be time-consuming but can also be so annoying. Many people in Cincinnati opt for waxing or plucking, while others shave frequently to remove unwanted hair. A lot of people are left with razor bumps or other discomforts. Fortunately, for those fed up with waxing, plucking and shaving to get rid of unwanted hair, laser hair removal is a good option.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal in Cincinnati involves the use of laser energy to target the melanin in the hair follicles and stop the hair from growing. This happens as the light destroys the root of the hair. Before the treatment begins, patients are provided with all of the details regarding the procedure so that they know exactly what to expect. Most laser hair removal patients in Cincinnati find that multiple treatment sessions are necessary to achieve the desired reduction in unwanted hair.

Where Can Laser Hair Removal Be Applied?

Laser hair removal in Cincinnati is very helpful to patients who have unwanted hair on the:

What Else Can I Expect?

During a consultation, we’ll make sure to provide you with all of the ins and outs of the procedure. There are some things you should avoid doing prior to the treatment to enjoy the best results. For example, you should avoid plucking or waxing before the treatment. You can shave or trim your hair before a session, but ensure you leave the roots of the hair intact.

Laser hair removal may be perfect for you! If you are tired of shaving, waxing and threading your hair, get in touch with our team at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati. Contact our office today to book a consultation and get all of your questions answered!

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