There are so many ways to remove unwanted hair — shaving, waxing, plucking, threading — and each one is as painful as they are tedious. Not to mention the pain your wallet feels when it comes to maintaining your desired aesthetic. But technology has brought us beyond traditional hair removal methods, and it has gifted […]
Reasons to Consider Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati
Both men and women often have undesirable hair on their bodies. As time has passed, there have been many different approaches to hair removal. This includes shaving, electrolysis, plucking, waxing and threading. All of these methods will control the growth of the hair for a short period of time. The problem is these methods can […]
FAQs About Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati
Are you sick of shaving, waxing and plucking your unwanted hair? Well, you’re not alone. Traditional grooming techniques are outdated. They’re time-consuming, deliver less-than-perfect results, and, worst of all, they’re temporary. If you want to rid your body of pesky excess hair for a long time, laser hair removal in Cincinnati could be the ultimate […]
Now is a Great Time for Laser Hair Removal!
It is cold outside, and you are trying to stay bundled up through the winter months. You have been enjoying not needing to shave your legs so frequently, hiding your hair behind pants for keeping warm. In fact, you may even look forward to this time of year a lot because it means a lot […]
FAQs About Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati
Shaving unwanted hair regularly can not only be time-consuming but can also be so annoying. Many people in Cincinnati opt for waxing or plucking, while others shave frequently to remove unwanted hair. A lot of people are left with razor bumps or other discomforts. Fortunately, for those fed up with waxing, plucking and shaving to […]
Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati – Common Questions
Getting rid of unwanted body hair can be a time-consuming and frustrating process for women. Shaving, using wax strips, or smearing themselves with hair removal cream every couple of days can be cumbersome and inconvenient, particularly for those who have better things to be getting on with. This is why many women now turn to […]
Remove Body Hair with Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that can be performed on almost any part of the body except around the eyes. At Premiere Center for Health and Wellness, we use the Excel HR laser made by Cutera in our laser hair removal procedures. It combines two lasers: a 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser […]
Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Are you tired of needing to use manual ways to remove unwanted hair? Are you tired of spending money every single month on a new razor and needing to pack razors and other shaving equipment with you when you travel? Do you find razor bumps, ingrown hair, and the frequency with which you need to […]
Ditch the Razor with Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati
For most men, shaving is an exciting rite of passage. It means that you’ve reached an age where soon society will consider you to be a man. It’s exciting the very first day your father, your uncle, or your mother gives you a razor and shows you how to shave. However, that burst of excitement […]
Never Shave Again with Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati
Shaving away unwanted body hair has a multitude of drawbacks. Not only is it only temporary, but it can also irritate your skin and leave you with ingrown hairs. Scars from nicks and cuts are another problem, as is the sharp stubble that grows in within a few days. If you are tired of shaving […]