Premiere Center for Health and Wellness is now providing enhanced services to increase breast cancer awareness. We have reviewed our medical records and are contacting our patients to introduce our BRCAcare ID program. This program determines your genetic susceptibility to developing breast cancer based upon your personal and family history. If identified, an increased breast cancer risk is highly manageable. Due to technological advances, anyone that underwent BRCA1/2 screening prior to October 12, 2012 should consider re-screening for a more detailed analysis of BRCA mutations.
Our genetic testing laboratory, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories, L.L.C., developed a free online tool that can collect your medical history and determine if this type of hereditary cancer screening is recommended for you. The information you provide is secure, and there is no obligation to use this laboratory for any actual testing. Usually, if you would benefit from testing, your insurance carrier will cover the cost of the testing and you would not have any financial obligations.
We encourage you to head over to the purple box on our website titled FOR PATIENTS and click on the Geneveda Genetic Testing.
You may also visit:
and select BRCAcare Survey. If you qualify, we will contact you to schedule an appointment for testing at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (513) 985-0950.