Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you are left with stubborn pockets of fat that your body cannot shed. While this is frustrating, it can lead you to wonder if freezing fat away works. At Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH, we have years of experience with CoolSculpting®.
What is CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical spot treatment for fat that works by freezing fat away. Also known as cryolipolysis, fat freezing is an FDA-approved method of eliminating pesky love handles and other stubborn pockets of fat. It works by using cold enough temperatures to kill your fat cells but not damage your skin. It is commonly used on various areas of the body.
Does It Work?
Freezing fat away using CoolSculpting® is an effective method of eliminating fat from your body. The results are permanent because adults cannot grow new fat cells. Once they are killed and flushed out of the body through the lymphatic system, they are gone forever. This treatment method is most effective for adults with a history of a stable weight for a set amount of time.
What to Expect
Expect freezing fat away to require no downtime or anesthesia. Many patients take a nap or read a book during the treatment. You may need between multiple treatments to see the desired results depending on the size of the area and the number of areas you are treating.
Am I a Good Candidate?
Almost everyone is a good candidate for CoolSculpting® because it is not a surgical procedure. However, in rare cases, some people are not the best candidates.
Everyone deserves to feel confident in his or her own skin. To learn more about if freezing fat away is right for you, speak with the friendly professionals at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH during an initial consultation. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!