You have officially made it to your mature years. You made it past young adulthood, and now it’s time for you to begin living the best time of your life. The only thing is though, your hormones are progressing along a downward trajectory, and as a result, you are feeling the symptoms related to low hormone levels. If you live in Cincinnati and would like to have balance and live your best life yet, discover if hormone pellet therapy is right for you.
Hormone Decline
As we get older, hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone gradually decrease. As a result, we begin feeling tired and worn down, but for many of us, the worst symptoms are a reduced sex drive, decreased bone density, an increase in abdominal fat, and menopausal symptoms. With the advent of hormone pellets, there is no longer any need to suffer from such symptoms. You may have your life elements in balance; now is the time to get your health in order.
Hormone Replacement
Historically, hormones have been replaced by pills, creams, patches, and injections. Each of these modes of delivery have their benefits, but they have more negatives, including the risk of inadvertent dosing of other people, and most of all, unpredictable drug delivery, resulting in ineffective and usually bouncing hormone levels. Many people who have tried these antiquated modes of delivery have suffered from the symptoms of uneven hormone blood levels along with their original symptoms of osteoporosis, lowered sex drive, and menopausal symptoms.
Hormone Pellet Therapy
Enter hormone pellet therapy. The usual hormones used are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone compounds. These hormones are called bioequivalent hormones because although they are extracted from plants, the body recognizes them as identical to the hormones produced by the body.
The Results
The results of hormone pellet therapy can be truly astonishing. When hormones are in balance, you will look and feel great, sleep better, and have improved mental clarity, sex drive, and fitness. As hormone levels come into balance, the symptoms of menopause, osteoporosis, loss of libido, and other symptoms related to a deficiency in hormones will diminish. When you are ready to discover if hormone pellet therapy is right for you, visit us at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH. We are pleased to offer hormone health treatments for both men and women. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started.