Hormone health is one of the most vital components of the human body. Secreted by various glands, hormones travel through the blood and other bodily fluids to all of its organ systems. There are dozens of unique hormones produced by the body to help it function, and when just one of these is out of balance, there can be noticeable symptoms. The experts at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH are well-educated in hormone health, and they are available to give you a comprehensive consultation for your overall well-being.
The brain uses hormones to communicate with every other system in the body, and an imbalance within the endocrine system (where most of our hormones are made) can lead to many problems, including various types of chronic diseases. No matter your age, hormones play an important role in your health, and it is highly recommended that you address any problems or imbalance as soon as possible. Below are some common symptoms of a hormone imbalance in women. If you are experiencing one or more of these systems, reach out to us for a comprehensive hormone analysis by one of our experts.
What is a Hormone Health Imbalance?
If your body is producing too much or too little of a certain hormone, your hormone health is off balance. Certain life stages, age, diet, and even stresses in our lives can cause dissonance within our endocrine system and lead to improper functions. When this happens, you can experience symptoms like those noted below.
Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance
We have listed the most common symptoms caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. Because of their great importance, hormones affect every bodily function. It is important to understand that, even though some of these symptoms are usually triggered by an imbalance of a specific hormone, self-diagnosing and medicating is never a good idea. Consultation with an expert in hormone health and therapy will ensure a correct diagnosis and a safe and effective treatment.
1. Chronic Fatigue
While everyone feels exhausted from time to time, chronic fatigue can make it impossible for you to function on a daily basis. If you feel like you are always tired, and proper rest and nutrition do not seem to help, then you may be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. Typically, these symptoms are caused by a problem with the adrenal gland or even by a condition called hypothyroidism, but there is no way to be sure until you are examined by an expert.
2. Weight Gain
It can be extremely frustrating to consistently exercise and eat right but never see results. Even more disheartening is when you are doing all the right things with your diet and activity and you still gain weight. Your hormones do a great job of communicating any stresses you are experiencing to the brain. If the body, or your endocrine system, senses stress, it might cause your body to produce too much cortisol, which is the hormone in charge of regulating your body’s fat or energy storage.
3. Skin and Hair Problems
If your body is experiencing an imbalance in your thyroid, this could manifest into problems with your skin and hair. If you notice unusually dry skin, or dryness even after proper hydration and moisturizing, this could be a sign of a thyroid imbalance. Also, brittle nails and thinning hair could be indications that this system isn’t working properly.
4. Menstrual Cycle and Sex Drive Changes and Issues
Various stages in a woman’s life will affect her menstrual cycle and sex drive. As they near menopause, most women experience changes in their cycle and possibly a lowering of their libido. While some of these are natural signs of an aging body, there are safe and healthy options available to help ease these symptoms.
Consult the Professionals
As you can see, when our hormone health is imbalanced, it affects not only our health, but our quality of life as well. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, or if you just aren’t feeling like yourself, turn to the experts at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH to receive a comprehensive hormone analysis. Please note that we offer hormone health services for both women AND men. Contact us today to book an appointment and learn more information.