Are you concerned about wrinkles or fine lines? Do you feel that they are making you look older than you feel? If so, botox Cincinnati Ohio is one of the best non-surgical treatments available for smoothing away unwanted lines and wrinkles painlessly and without downtime! The treatment is simply an injectable one that can be completely customized to your wants. Here at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH, we can help!
How Long Does Botox Cincinnati Ohio Last?
The amount of time that the results of this treatment will last will vary from person to person. Most people can expect that their results will last for about 3 to 5 months. There will, however, be instances in which the results will not last that long and there will also be instances in which the results may last even longer than that!
Areas That Can Be Treated
Below are the areas that can be treated using this injectable. However, if you do have other areas where unwanted fine lines or wrinkles are a concern, let our staff know! They can take a closer look to determine if this treatment could be beneficial in those areas also.
The Forehead
The forehead is one of the most popular treatment areas. Lines and wrinkles that develop here can become worse pretty fast due to our normal, daily facial expressions. This treatment can smooth away lines and wrinkles in this area and that will actually prevent the existing wrinkles and lines from becoming worse as well.
Between the Brows
The area between the brows is another popular treatment area. The deeper lines that form here are also due to daily facial expressions but this treatment can stop the issue at the source. It can effectively smooth away any lines or wrinkles in between the eyebrow region quickly and painlessly.
The Corners of the Eyes
The lines and wrinkles that form around the outer corners of the eyes are often called “crow’s feet.” They are not uncommon but they do tend to add years to a person’s appearance. This treatment can turn back the clock, smoothing away any and all unwanted wrinkles or lines on the outer corners of your eyes. Most people say they feel as though they look 10+ years younger when having this area treated.
The Corners of the Mouth
The wrinkles and lines that develop around the outer corners of the mouth are sometimes called “marionette lines” because they can resemble the lines on a ventriloquist’s puppet. These wrinkles and lines can be treated via this injectable and in just a single treatment session can be smoothed away, giving you a more youthful appearance.
Under the Eyes
The tinier lines that form underneath the eye area can also add years to a person’s appearance. It can also be frustrating when creams and serums do not seem to reduce the appearance of these lines and wrinkles. However, this treatment can help! It can effectively smooth away unwanted lines and wrinkles under the eyes and can even add volume if you feel that the undereye area has hallowed out due to aging.
Above the Mouth
The lines and wrinkles above the mouth tend to start very small but can quickly progress to become deeper and more severe. This treatment can smooth away any unwanted lines above the mouth so that it is no longer a worry.
The Chin
The chin, in some cases, can become dimpled due to aging and a lot of people struggle with this as they preferred it the way it looked before. This treatment can help take care of any unwanted dimpling on the chin region and give you back the chin that you once had!
The Outside of the Nasal Area
Sometimes deeper lines and wrinkles can develop around the outer nasal area. These wrinkles and lines can also become severe quickly but this treatment can help. It can smooth away any lines or wrinkles on the outer nasal area to give you a refreshed look.
If you feel as though your eyebrows have become “droopy” or would simply like to give them a nice lift, this treatment can help with that too! In just a single treatment session, you can say goodbye to any sagging in the brow area.
Other Areas
Once again, if you do have additional areas of concern, let our staff know! They can have a look and let you know if this treatment could be helpful in that location as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will Treatment Hurt?
No. This is a completely painless treatment that is non-surgical and non-invasive. It is simply an injection that works to treat the underlying source of wrinkles and lines on the surface of the skin. You do not have to be concerned about any pain as a result of this treatment.
2. Is This a Safe Treatment Option?
Absolutely! Not only is this a treatment that has been tried and proven over the course of many years, but it is also approved by the FDA. Don’t let fear for your safety hold you back from this treatment because it is perfectly safe!
3. How Do I Know if It’s Right for Me?
If you have unwanted wrinkles on your forehead, between the brows, around the nasal area, around the eyes or mouth and would rather they be smoothed away, this is a great treatment for that! Also, this treatment can be completely customized to your preferences.
4. Can I Have Multiple Areas Treated at the Same Time?
Of course. Say you want to have unwanted wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes treated – both can be completed during the same treatment session. Many people who have more than 1 area that they wish to have treated, treat more than 1 area at a time to reach their skin goals more quickly.
5. When Can I Expect To See My Results?
How long you will need to wait before seeing your results will vary between people. Most people will begin to see an improvement in their skin within the days following treatment. However, to see your full results, you may have to wait for about 10 to 14 days after your treatment session.
6. How Long Can I Expect My Treatment Session To Take?
A great part about this treatment is how quick it is! Your entire sessions will not take longer than about 30 to 45 minutes. Many people have even had treatment while on their lunch break before heading right back to work immediately afterward. It is not a long treatment or one that is going to take up a large part of your day. It’s quick!
7. Is There Downtime?
No. Once your treatment session has concluded, you can go right back to your daily routine without worries. Fitting downtime into your schedule is not something that you will have to worry about. This is just another reason why this treatment is so popular.
8. How Do I Get Ready for My Treatment Session?
All you need to do is show up on time for your treatment session and our staff will take care of everything else. There is no special prep that you need to do before coming in for your treatment session. If there would happen to be something you should do before coming in for your session, our staff will be sure to let you know!
9. How Often Can I Have Treatment?
It is a good idea to mention that you should always listen to the advice of the professionals when it comes to how long you should wait in between treatment sessions. This will ensure that you get the most out of treatment safely! That being said, most people can have treatment about once every 12 weeks. But you should bear in mind that this can vary from person to person.
Look Younger by Smoothing Away Unwanted Wrinkles & Fine Lines Today
Do you want to take years off of your appearance by smoothing away unwanted wrinkles? Would also like to avoid going under the knife? If so, botox Cincinnati Ohio can help you reach your skin goals quickly! The treatment is quick and you can get right back to your day without having to worry about any downtime. It is one of the best non-surgical options available. Come see us today at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH!