Estrogen dominance is a common condition affecting many women today. Here at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH, we offer hormone pellet therapy to help treat this condition. We’ll talk about how hormone therapy could be used to address estrogen dominance, as well as discuss common signs of high estrogen levels.
Can Estrogen Dominance Be Treated With Hormone Therapy?
Estrogen is a hormone that plays a critical role in women’s reproductive health. It contributes to the development of breast tissue, helps regulate the menstrual cycle, and is essential for maintaining bone health. When a woman has elevated levels of estrogen relative to other hormones in her body, it is known as estrogen dominance. This condition can cause symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and bloating.
Hormone pellet therapy may be used to help restore balance and bring hormone levels back into normal ranges. Hormone pellet therapy is a form of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) that uses small pellets of hormones to replenish deficient or low levels of hormones in the body. The pellets are inserted just beneath the surface of the skin through a small incision, where they release hormones into the bloodstream over a period of time.
Combined Treatment
In addition to using hormone pellets for treating estrogen dominance, lifestyle changes can also help promote better hormonal function. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can help reduce inflammation in the body while providing essential vitamins and minerals that support proper hormonal functioning. Getting regular exercise can also help keep hormones balanced.
Additionally, limiting alcohol consumption can help reduce stress hormones such as cortisol. Hormone pellet therapy combined with lifestyle modifications may be an effective approach for treating estrogen dominance by helping restore normal bodily functions related to this condition.
7 Signs of Estrogen Dominance
1. Bloating
High levels of estrogen can cause the retention of sodium and water throughout the body’s tissues. This extra fluid accumulates in areas such as the abdomen, where it results in bloating and a feeling of fullness after eating only small amounts of food. When dealing with bloat resulting from estrogen dominance, we usually address both dietary and lifestyle habits that may be contributing factors. This includes advising patients to reduce salt intake and avoid processed foods whenever possible.
2. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) can indicate estrogen dominance. High levels of estrogen in the body can lead to the overgrowth of the uterine lining, causing it to become too thick and heavy. The result of this is prolonged and/or heavy menstrual bleeding. Women who experience this type of menstrual bleeding may also have irregular periods, pelvic pain, or severe cramping during menstruation.
If left untreated, estrogen dominance can contribute to the development of health issues such as fibroids or endometriosis, which are painful conditions that involve abnormal growths in the uterus. In addition, prolonged periods can lead to anemia due to excessive blood loss and fatigue from lack of iron in the body.
Seeking Treatment
Women should be aware that HMB could potentially be a symptom of something more serious than just a regular menstrual cycle abnormality. It’s best to consult with our qualified healthcare provider if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms related to your period.
3. Mood Swings
Estrogen dominance can cause fluctuations in serotonin levels, leading to changes in mood. Additionally, estrogen plays a critical role in regulating our circadian rhythm. Therefore, an excess of estrogen can disrupt this rhythm and cause women to feel lethargic or fatigued during certain times of the day. This can greatly affect their mood as well as how they interact with others.
Estrogen dominance can also trigger anxiety and depression due to its influence on neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline. When these levels become too high or too low, people may experience a range of unpleasant emotions that can lead to irritability and negative thinking patterns. Furthermore, these hormone imbalances may adversely affect cognitive functioning by impacting areas such as memory, focus, and concentration. This further destabilizes our emotional well-being.
The effects of estrogen dominance on mood swings can vary widely depending on the patient’s individual biochemistry. Some individuals might only experience mild shifts in emotion throughout their cycle, while others might suffer from severe emotional turmoil that affects their daily life drastically.
Those suffering from estrogen dominance and are looking to reduce the frequency and intensity of their mood swings should seek professional medical advice from an endocrinologist who’s experienced in treating hormonal imbalances. Here at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness, we take our time to properly diagnose hormonal imbalances. We also provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet the needs of each patient.
4. Unintended Weight Gain
Increased estrogen levels can put stress on the cells that produce insulin, resulting in the body becoming insulin-resistant. Insulin resistance means that glucose is not absorbed into the cells for energy. Instead, it remains in the bloodstream. This leads to elevated blood sugar levels and weight gain. Estrogen dominance can also slow down cholesterol metabolism, which can lead to higher cholesterol levels and further weight gain.
In addition to causing changes in metabolism, estrogen can also impact hunger levels by increasing cravings for more calorie-dense foods and reducing feelings of fullness after eating. These changes often lead people to overeat without realizing it, further causing significant weight gain.
Peripheral Obesity
An accumulation of fat due to estrogen dominance is referred to as peripheral obesity. This is because the fat concentrates around the waist and hips rather than being evenly distributed throughout the body. This type of obesity can increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions.
Additionally, people with elevated levels of estrogen may face a higher risk for certain types of cancer, such as endometrial cancer or breast cancer. Thankfully, hormone therapy can help reduce symptoms associated with estrogen dominance, such as weight gain.
5. Headache
Headaches associated with a hormonal imbalance are generally due to an acute drop in estrogen. However, when the ratio of estrogen to progesterone is skewed, and there is an excess of estrogen relative to the amount of progesterone present in the body, a headache can develop.
People who experience this type of headache may feel a dull but persistent ache that is worsened by stress or physical activity. This can be accompanied by a feeling of pressure behind the eyes or along the forehead and temples. The headache may also come with nausea or vomiting, fatigue, and sensitivity to light or sound. Patients may even experience vertigo or fainting episodes.
6. Hair Loss
Estrogen plays a critical role in normalizing female hair health. However, high estrogen levels decrease the amount of time your hair spends growing (anagen phase) while causing the shedding phase to last longer than normal (telogen phase). Furthermore, estrogen hinders the ability of each strand to grow in length during the growth cycle. As a result, women’s hair naturally thins out regardless of other environmental factors. This condition is known as androgenic alopecia or female pattern baldness.
7. Cold Hands or Feet
Cold hands and feet are often a sign of estrogen dominance. This is because increased estrogen levels can lower women’s body temperatures. Estrogen also slows down the blood flow to the extremities and causes heat to dissipate faster, resulting in cold hands and feet. Hormone therapy can help regulate estrogen levels while helping relieve any discomfort caused by coldness in extremities.
Benefits of Hormone Pellet Therapy
Hormone pellet therapy offers a number of benefits. First, it does not require disruption to the patient’s regular daily activities, as the pellets are typically inserted just beneath the skin in a simple and minimally invasive procedure.
The pellets contain a measured dose of hormones that are steadily released into the body over time, providing more consistent and stable levels of hormones than traditional methods such as pills, creams, and injections. This type of therapy eliminates the risk of sudden spikes or drops in hormone levels, thus helping maintain normal regulatory functions in the body throughout the day.
Start Feeling Better Today With Hormone Therapy
When you come to us for hormone pellet therapy, we’ll use comprehensive testing to evaluate sex hormones, metabolic hormones, as well as other key factors impacting your wellness. Upon completion, we can provide powerful hormone therapies to put you on the path to feeling your best. Call or come see us at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati, OH, and start feeling better!