Just like the GP doctor or the dentist, there doesn’t have to be anything overtly wrong in order to justify regular visits to the gynecologist, regardless of which phase of life you’re in. In fact, the overwhelming majority of gynecology care subject matter experts affirm the importance of regular gynecology visits for all women.
At Premiere Center for Health and Wellness, we are both well-experienced gynecological care providers and proud women’s health advocates who will partner with you throughout every aspect of your experience to ensure your continued comfort and well-being. We offer a full suite of gynecology services, including annual exams and pap smears, ultrasound, and much more, to accommodate women of all circumstances and backgrounds.
But the question remains: why go regularly? At the very least, regular gynecology visits provide an opportunity for consistent screening and testing, which can minimize the impact of several conditions via early detection and intervention. Read on to learn the several other reasons why regular gynecology visits are important for all women.
Early Detection and Intervention
Regular pelvic exams and other gynecological services give care providers the opportunity to screen for a number of potential concerns, including the following:
- Ovarian cysts
- STIs
- Early-stage cancer
- Abnormal bleeding or discharge
- Inflammation
- Skin concerns
These issues reveal themselves in various ways, whether through bleeding or discharge, inflammation and swelling, nodules or masses, and other signs. Sometimes, symptoms you experience at home may encourage you to come in for a gynecologist visit. Pelvic pain, painful intercourse, bleeding, a lump in the area, discomfort with urination, and urinary incontinence may point to underlying health concerns.
Whatever it may be, regular gynecologist visits offer women the opportunity to intercept and deal with health concerns early on for greatly improved outcomes.
Reproductive Health
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on Adolescent Health Care, in agreement with many other authorities in the women’s reproductive health field, recommend women start regular reproductive health visits starting between the ages of 13 and 15 years.
Our gynecology experts at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness follow a holistic and individualized approach to promoting reproductive health. For example, this involves ensuring that patients have a healthy and satisfying sex life, including providing access to safe and effective contraception. Reproductive health also involves connecting patients with top-quality pregnancy and neonatal care services, educating patients on sex and childbirth as necessary, and monitoring for and treating STIs.
Finally, gynecologists also help patients of all ages promote their reproductive health and overall wellness with lifestyle modification, including modifying smoking and alcohol use, maintaining an ideal weight, and so on.
STI Testing
Especially for those who have more than one sexual partner, or whose partners may have more than one sexual partner, having STI testing done once a year at the very minimum is highly recommended. Some people are unaware that gynecologists perform STI tests through a pap test, in which the provider swabs the cervix and analyzes the sample.
Regardless of whether or not you are experiencing any symptoms, STI tests are the gold standard for determining if you have chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, or other STIs, some of which can go unnoticed for extended periods of time.
As for a more detailed breakdown of official STI testing recommendations and risk factors contributing to specific conditions, the CDC provides official STI Treatment Guidelines. These provide guidance, for example, on screening and exams for people with HIV, pregnant women, heterosexual and homosexual men and women, and more.
Hormonal Regulation
Regardless of age, overall health, and other characteristics, no woman is immune to the effects of hormonal fluctuations and imbalances. As specialists in women’s reproductive health, gynecologists are experts in hormonal imbalances. We can perform various tests (e.g., blood panels, physical exams, etc.) to identify the issue in question and formulate a result-driven treatment plan.
To provide context, some women may present to gynecology visits with one or more of the following issues:
- Unexpected acne breakouts
- Fatigue
- Irregular periods
- Mood disturbances
- Rapid weight changes
- Menopause symptoms (hot flashes, decreased libido, etc.)
Depending on the diagnosis, gynecologists can recommend one of many possible approaches, including hormone therapy, medication, and/or referral to other specialists.
Practical Advice and Education
Patient education is a powerful intervention in itself—one that we do not take lightly.. As your partner and advocate, our team is passionate not only about delivering top-quality women’s health treatment, but we also believe in empowering women to monitor and manage their own health as much as possible.
There are many ways in which we educate patients on signs to look for and steps to take when it comes to monitoring their own reproductive and general health. For example, learning how to check yourself regularly for lumps can ensure early detection and treatment in the case of breast cancer. We also advise patients on normal vs abnormal signs and symptoms associated with childbirth, menstruation, sexual intercourse, and so on.
Premiere Center for Health and Wellness Is Your Committed Gynecology Expert
We know that the first gynecology visit with a new care provider, especially if it’s your first appointment ever, can spur a little anxiety in patients. Rest assured, our team at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness is here to make you feel welcomed, accepted, and valued throughout every session.
We believe firmly in upholding every patient’s dignity and sense of safety throughout every appointment, and conduct ourselves accordingly. Contact our team for an appointment today, and we’ll get you started on a regular gynecology treatment plan.