As women’s bodies age, production of healthy hormones declines. Treating menopause isn’t just about easing symptoms. It’s about greeting every moment of the day with clarity and joy. Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati has experience helping patients attain healthy hormone levels. It’s important to understand how our bodies produce lower levels of […]
The Common Signs and Symptoms of Menopause
Every body is entirely unique. So when you experience signs and symptoms that could be menopause, it may be different than someone else’s experience and it may be confusing. One of the biggest reasons for menopause being so different from woman to woman is that estrogen is used by so many parts of the body. […]
What is Menopause?
When women enter their 40s and 50s, they experience many physical changes that can impact their daily lives. Women know that natural biological and reproductive changes are inevitable during this time of life, but these changes happen slowly and not universally by all women, so they can leave some women wondering if the changes they are […]
Bioequivalent Hormones for Menopause
Menopause is the time when women stop having menstrual periods and are no longer able to bear children. Although some women are delighted that they no longer have to deal with their monthly cycle, others are plagued by unpleasant symptoms that never seem to end. A Closer Look at Menopause The list of perimenopausal and […]
MonaLisa Touch
Are you or a loved one suffering from vaginal dryness? Don’t worry Premiere Center for Health and Wellness can help with that too! MonaLisa Touch™ delivers gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall that stimulates a healing response, generating new collagen in the tissue and enhanced moisture levels in the vaginal canal. A typical course […]
Estrogen Therapy For Women With Hysterectomies Is Beneficial Says a New Study by Researchers at Yale School of Medicine
According to a new study by researchers at Yale School of Medicine, the decline in estrogen therapy that resulted after a 2002 report by Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) that cited possible dangers with the therapy may have led to 50,000 deaths to women who have had hysterectomies. Before the WHI study was released, 90 percent of […]