5 Habits of Naturally Slim People….
- Just Plain Move More – People who move more can burn as many as 350 extra calories a day. Just moving more can be the equivalent of talking a daily 60 minute walk at 4 miles per hour. Some people will notice some weight loss but more importantly you will increase your circulation which can help with your creativity and stave off chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
- Stand up while you talking on the phone
- Getup and Mover around the office every hour
- Stretch
- Park in the furthest spot in the parking lot
- Take escalators and stairs every chance you get
- Eat without distractions – Stop the multi-tasking and eat. Mindful eating will help you eat less and feel more satisfied. Enjoy each bite will satisfy you to have fewer bites and 300 fewer calories a day will be enough to drop two dress sizes in a year.
- Order What You Want The Way You Want It – A major habit of naturally slim people is that they they modify meals not to save calories, but to get what they really want, and to eat in a way that intuitively makes them feel best. Think about a recent meal that left you feeling stuffed and sluggish, then write down how you would modify your order next time to feel better. The do-over meals are always more balanced and far lower in calories.
- Don’t Worry About Wasting Food – If you’re full then stop eating. If your kids leave too much on their plates then pack it up for leftovers but don’t eat it.
- If It Doesn’t Taste Great then Don’t Eat It – Naturally slim people only eat things they really like. When you eat something you don’t really like you will eat more to try to be more satisfied with it. If the calories are just not worth it then find something else to satisfy you.
Sometimes Weight Gain is Due to Hormone Imbalances
When your hormones are in balance, you know it. You look great, feel terrific, have plenty of energy and sleep like a baby. Your immune and digestive systems are in tiptop shape. This is your body’s way of saying “Hey, you can relax. I’m normal.”
It’s only when you begin to age and your hormone levels take a dive that your world begins to feel less than friendly. You gain weight, lose interest in sex, can’t sleep, can’t think straight—the list goes on. You discover that getting older is not about getting better. Not only do you feel a lot less perky, but now you have health issues. Pretty soon things like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and osteoporosis show up.
Ask any endocrinologist and he or she will tell you that hormonal balance equates to health. Our hormones give us life, intelligence, mood, drive, sexuality, physical and mental energy, and the desire to grow, learn and achieve. They are not in our body by mistake. They are there to allow us to function well and enjoy the world we live in.
Since our hormone-producing glands control our basic body functions such as metabolism, growth and sexual development, it is critical that the amount of hormone manufactured by each gland is carefully balanced. Too much or too little can have effects throughout the body and cause a variety of disorders.
Contact us (513-985-0950) today to to get more information about eating better and getting more out of life through better hormone health.