Both men and women often have undesirable hair on their bodies. As time has passed, there have been many different approaches to hair removal. This includes shaving, electrolysis, plucking, waxing and threading. All of these methods will control the growth of the hair for a short period of time. The problem is these methods can result in razor burn, cuts, ingrown hairs and other issues. Numerous individuals also have the problem of not having enough time in the morning prior to going to work to remove unwanted hair. Many people consider these methods outdated and impractical. Due to modern technology, there is an ideal option called laser hair removal. The hair is exposed to light pulses from the laser, destroying the hair follicle. This treatment is both effective and safe, and it’s available right here in Cincinnati.
Although laser hair removal did not become available to the public until 1995, the procedure has been used for approximately twenty years. The average treatment typically varies from just minutes to about an hour or so. This is dependent on the size of the area you are having treated and other factors. In most cases, optimal results can be achieved in a series of treatments. This being said, every individual is different. Some may require less treatments and others more. The professional will let you know how many treatments will most likely be necessary for your individual needs. It is important to understand that your hair grows naturally in three different stages. All of your hair does not enter the same stage simultaneously. This means only a portion of your hair follicles will be impacted during your session. You will likely require multiple sessions to remove all of the hair.
Ever since laser hair removal became available, the popularity of the treatment has consistently increased. Numerous individuals in Cincinnati have found their ideal solution for removing unwanted hair effectively and safely. There are different lasers available for this procedure depending on the preference of the professional and the specific requirements of each individual. We prefer to use the Cutera excel HR™ due to the amazing results it can produce and the other benefits it provides.
The reasons both genders have turned to laser hair removal include not having to frequently use other methods for the removal of the hair, the effectiveness of the procedure and the safety factor. Unfortunately, there is an expectation of how much hair an individual is expected to have in modern society. Numerous individuals have tried this treatment and been satisfied with their results. It is important to discuss your specific expectations with the professional. Keeping your expectations realistic is just as important. The concept of the procedure is the same despite which specific laser is used.
Every part of you body contains a certain amount of hairs in the anagen cycle at any given time. All of your unwanted hair can be effectively targeted through multiple sessions. When the appropriate laser is used, every type of skin can be treated. When there is a more substantial difference in the pigmentation of the hair and the skin, the results are generally better. However, it all depends on the unique situation, and results vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors.
The Laser Hair Removal Procedure
There are certain steps you should take prior to having laser hair removal performed. Both before and after your procedure, you should use a high quality sunblock with a broad spectrum SPF of a minimum of thirty. In the weeks prior to your treatment, you need to avoid any artificial or natural tanning including spray tans and tanning beds. If you have a specific type of skin, the professional may recommend using a product to help eliminate any potential issues.
The professional will provide you with important information and answer your questions before your session. This includes:
• The number of treatments you will most likely require.
• The experience and qualifications of the professional regarding this procedure.
• The specific laser being used for your treatment.
It is important to ask any questions you have at this time. You will also need to provide your complete medical history including any supplements, prescriptions or vitamins you are currently taking. Make certain you let the professional know if you have any allergies. Prior to agreeing to perform the treatment, the professional will thoroughly examine your skin in the areas you are interested in having treated. This will determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment as well as the right time to perform the procedure.
Generally speaking, if you are having a fairly small area targeted such as your chin, your treatment will most likely only require minutes. If the area is larger such as your legs or back, your treatment will require more time. It is important to note there may be some redness in the treatment area immediately after the treatment. This will fade away naturally. Once you have completed your treatment, there are a few steps you need to take to protect your skin. This includes:
• If the laser hair removal was performed on your underarms, deodorant should not be worn for a set amount of time.
• Do not participate in strenuous sporting activities or use a Jacuzzi, sauna or hot water for a set amount of time.
• Do not pick at or rub the area you had treated or use abrasive scrubs or loofahs for a set amount of time.
• Using an ointment to keep the area moist until it has healed completely is recommended.
• Use a high quality sunblock until you have completely healed from your final treatment.
It is important to note there are a wide variety of devices currently available for performing this procedure at home. The energy from these devices is low, and they are not technically considered lasers. Using these devices is not recommended because they can be dangerous. This type of device can cause damage to your eyes, blisters, burns and in the worst possible scenario, blindness. Your best possible option is to have the procedure performed by an experienced professional like the ones at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness in Cincinnati. This will ensure both your skin and your eyes are protected from the light. A professional understands exactly how to use the laser to help provide optimal results while avoiding mistakes often resulting from inexperience.
The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
The most obvious benefit of this treatment is the removal or reduction of unwanted hair. The procedure also has many additional benefits such as improving the appearance and texture of your skin. This is a result of your hair follicles being destroyed by the energy from the laser. Some of the other benefits include:
• The lasers used for this procedure are classified as gold standard wavelengths. Not only are they capable of eliminating hair, but they can improve the surface of your skin. Old damage caused by the sun such as discolorations and freckles may be diminished. The laser has the possibility of rejuvenating your skin while correcting some discoloration.
• One of the reasons the texture of your skin is improved during the treatment is because the laser helps prevent the development of ingrown hairs and other issues that methods like shaving can cause. You should see a substantial improvement after a series of treatments. Not only will your skin be free of hair, but you will most likely see an improvement in the texture and clarity.
• Your hair follicles are located in your skin’s dermis layer. This is commonly referred to as the middle layer. The energy of the laser penetrates this layer looking for hair follicles with a darker color. As your hair shaft absorbs this energy, it penetrates into the follicle, making it dormant. This leads to long-term hair reduction in the treatment area. Of course, results vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors, but the treatment is designed to bring about long-lasting results.
• The treatment will improve the overall aesthetics of your body. The penetration of the laser into your skin not only improves the look of unwanted hair, it can help prevent new unwanted hair from forming. The laser produces safe levels of heat while removing the hair. The result is more youthful, suppler and firmer skin because there is no unwanted hair in the area making it look unattractive. The benefits you will receive will continue for months as you continue with your sessions and experience the results of the treatment process. The majority of individuals who have had this treatment saw improvements after a series of treatments spaced a set amount of time apart.
One of the best ways to improve your skin’s overall look is with laser hair removal. If you have been considering having a treatment, all of your questions can be answered during your initial consultation with us at Premiere Center for Health and Wellness. Again, to achieve optimal hair reduction, you will most likely need a series of treatments. Your procedures need to be scheduled a set amount of time apart from one another until you have completed the recommended number of sessions. Your hair reduction can be quite significant, but results vary. Most individuals arrange a maintenance session down the line as needed for ongoing results.
Getting Started
If you are interested in laser hair removal, please reach out to Premiere Center for Health and Wellness so your personal consultation can be arranged at our office in Cincinnati. You owe it to yourself to learn as much as you can about the treatment. During this meeting, you can also learn about our many other services, like hormone health treatment for women and men. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started.